51bchfhZIhLKingdom in Context: Missiological Interpretation, Genesis 1 and the City

(July 28, 2020)

Adam D. Ayers

From the Genesis account, we can see that the divine goal for human existence is to display the image of God. Urban missiology has a calling to represent God in places and ways that lie far beyond books and analyses, and when it does, it must adapt, innovate, and express things which cannot be discussed on pages alone. Still, there is merit in thinking about practice in preparation for such work. Kingdom in Context traces a seven-step path to introduce missiological interpretation in ways that can be understood and reproduced by undergraduate and graduate level students from multiple disciplines and is a public invitation to ongoing conversations about mission, biblical interpretation, and the city.





Coming soon in the Kingdom in Context Series:

Local of Edem: Missiological Reading of Humanity and Creation by Adam Ayers

Image of God, Image of Christ: Universal Mission and Christian Mission

Sacred Souls: Mission, Self, and Other

Irresistible Journeys: Age, Life-Stage, and Mission

City of God, Kingdom of Christ: Urban Mission with Global Eyes