61gZ5FKd7ULCommunity Churches: Making Disciples in Urban Areas (Oct. 25, 2019)

Kelly Malone

Community Churches is not primarily an academic treatise on the nature and purpose of the church. It is also not primarily an instruction manual on how to develop disciple-making communities. Rather, Community Churches is a call to action. It challenges us to leave behind both debilitating beliefs and ineffective strategies in order to form communities of Christ-followers. These Christ-followers are committed to lay aside the burdens of the present world in order to walk with Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.







frank Streams in the Negev: Stories of How God is Starting to Redeem Vancouver (Feb. 5, 2019)

Frank Stirk

Churches have been a rare commodity throughout Vancouver, most of the attempts at planting churches in Vancouver came to nothing. As you read this book, you'll see God has better things in mind for Vancouver. In Vancouver - a spiritually "drought-stricken" city there is "a sudden rain" of God's grace starting to penetrate its hard, sunbaked soil, and new life is breaking through.






City Shaped Churches: Planting Churches in a Global Era (September 4, 2018)

Linda Bergquist and Michael D. Crane

Yes, there certainly are many obstacles to urban church planting. The challenge of refraining from insisting on suburban models for urban settings, the soaring cost of living expenses in global urban settings, the challenges inherent in diverse over homogenous contexts, the continual shifting of people moving in and out of cities, the multiplicity of global religions and worldviews— these things can sometimes seem formidable. However, God, who loves cities, and the promise of Kingdom come are truly worth the struggle. Our urban church planting work will be more effective if it is intentional about being both responsive to what is going on around us and in the world and proactive to the possibilities God has placed before us. It is Linda and Michael’s hope that this book will help its readers become more willing to experiment and more willing to be hopeful about the possibility for starting thousands and thousands of vibrant urban churches.




tmnc-new one-2 The Multi-Nucleated Church: Towards a Theoretical Framework for Church Planting in High-Density Cities (2nd Edition) by Sean Benesh

For too long church planting literature and training has been primarily focused on starting churches in low-density parts of our cities predicated upon auto-based commuting patterns. However, the reality of the global city is that millions upon millions of people worldwide do not live that kind of lifestyle. Rather, life revolves around getting from Point A to Point B via on foot, bicycle, or public transportation. What would church planting then look like with those common transportation realities? Instead of basing strategies and methodologies on a car-based lifestyle, The Multi-Nucleated Church reduces the scale to walkable neighborhoods, districts, city centers, and central cities. The common denominator is truly high-density urban contexts. The Multi-Nucleated Churchexplores the theoretical framework of constructing an ecclesiology that finds its home in the multi-nucleated high-density mega-global city.



For Such a Time as This: Considerations for Urban Multicultural Church Planting by S. Blake